SEL Publications
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This study, conducted by CASEL and RAND, updates estimates of SEL implementation across K-12 public schools nationwide for the 2023-2024 school year, and finds a steady increase in implementation since 2017-2018. For the first time, these data also include components of implementation that go beyond formal SEL programming. We further investigate whether states’ SEL policies are associated with the implementation of SEL by K–12 schools, and whether SEL implementation is correlated with teachers’ reports of supportive climate and student interest in learning. The combination of our findings and prior research establishing the positive effects of SEL points policymakers at the state and local levels toward encouraging SEL implementation through strategic plans, adoption of standards, dedicated funding, and school climate efforts.
- Topics:
- School Districts
Currently viewing 25 results of 324
Articles & Briefs Development and Implementation of Standards for Social and Emotional Learning in the 50 States CASELMarch 31, 2016
- Topics:
- Standards & Competencies
Reports & Guidance Learning from Summer: Effects of Voluntary Summer Learning Programs on Low-Income Urban Youth RANDJanuary 1, 2016
- Topics:
- Community Partnerships
Reports & Guidance Why Social and Emotional Learning and Employability Skills Should Be Prioritized in Education Committee for Children (CFC)January 1, 2016
- Topics:
- College and Career Readiness
Articles & Briefs The Economic Value of Social and Emotional Learning Journal of Benefit-Cost AnalysisDecember 29, 2015
- Topics:
- Funding and Financing
Books & Chapters The Other Side of the Report Card: Assessing Students’ Social, Emotional, and Character Development Maurice J. Elias, Joseph J. Ferrito, Dominic C. MoceriDecember 14, 2015
- Topics:
- Assessment
Articles & Briefs What Does Evidence-Based Instruction in Social and Emotional Learning Actually Look Like in Practice? CASELSeptember 30, 2015
Articles & Briefs Establishing Systemic Social and Emotional Learning Approaches in Schools Cambridge Journal of EducationAugust 14, 2015
- Topics:
- Systemic Implementation
Articles & Briefs Fostering Social and Emotional Skills for Well-Being and Social Progress European Journal of EducationMarch 27, 2015
- Topics:
- International Perspectives
Reports & Guidance The Economic Value of SEL CASELMarch 1, 2015
- Topics:
- Funding and Financing,
- Research
Reports & Guidance Ready for Work?: How Afterschool Programs Can Support Employability Through Social and Emotional Learning American Institutes for Research (AIR)January 1, 2015
- Topics:
- College and Career Readiness
Reports & Guidance Social Emotional Learning in High School Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in EducationJanuary 1, 2015
- Topics:
- Schools
Books & Chapters International Perspectives on Social and Emotional Learning C Torrente, A Alimchandani, J. Lawrence AberJanuary 1, 2015
- Topics:
- International Perspectives
Articles & Briefs What Is Improvement Science? Do We Need It in Education? Educational ResearcherJanuary 1, 2015
- Topics:
- Continuous Improvement
Reports & Guidance A Guide to Federal Education Programs That Can Fund K-12 Universal Prevention and Social and Emotional Learning Activities The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools, The Center on Educational PolicyMay 1, 2014
- Topics:
- Funding and Financing
Reports & Guidance Learning by Heart: The Power of Social-Emotional Learning in Secondary Schools What Kids Can DoFebruary 1, 2014
- Topics:
- Schools
Reports & Guidance Learning and Resilience: The Crucial Role of Social and Emotional Well-Being in Contexts of Adversity The World BankJanuary 13, 2014
- Topics:
- International Perspectives
Articles & Briefs State Standards to Advance Social and Emotional Learning: Findings from CASEL’s State Scan of Social and Emotional Learning Standards, Preschool through High School, 2014 CASELJanuary 2, 2014
- Topics:
- State Policy
Reports & Guidance Directory of Federal School Climate and Discipline Resources U.S. Department of EducationJanuary 1, 2014
Reports & Guidance Teaching the Whole Child American Institutes for Research (AIR)January 1, 2014
- Topics:
- Adult SEL
Reports & Guidance Practical Measurement Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of TeachingDecember 1, 2013
- Topics:
- Continuous Improvement
Reports & Guidance Measuring 21st Century Competencies Asia SocietyNovember 1, 2013
- Topics:
- Assessment
Reports & Guidance Aligning Preschool Through High School Social and Emotional Learning Standards CASELNovember 1, 2013
- Topics:
- Standards & Competencies
Books & Chapters Social and Emotional Education in Primary School: Integrating Theory and Research Into Practice Carmel Cefai, Valeria CavioniOctober 4, 2013
- Topics:
- Schools