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How Six States Are Collaborating with Local and Regional Educators to Implement Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning

September 1, 2018

What specific steps can states take to support effective implementation of systemic SEL at the local level?

Our Collaborating States Initiative (CSI), modeled after a similar effort involving school districts, was developed to help states create, implement, and share effective efforts. Participation grew rapidly from only a handful of state agencies in 2016 to 25 by 2018.

This report closely examines the early efforts of six state education agencies:

  • Delaware, with grassroots teacher support, is developing grade-level SEL competencies/standards.
  • Iowa and North Dakota are building on existing structures and processes to advance SEL implementation.
  • Minnesota, after an extensive process to adopt SEL competencies/standards and guidance, is piloting those resources to learn how to best support broad and sustainable implementation.
  • Rhode Island is helping local practitioners share information on what schools and districts are doing to implement and teach SEL skills.
  • Wisconsin is using multiple channels to align SEL with many other related initiatives and priorities already in place, from character education to digital literacy.

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