Articles & Briefs

Wisconsin: Regional Career Pathways Link SEL to Career and Workforce Development

May 12, 2022
CASEL, Coalition for Career Development Center, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

This case study is one of three describing the development and implementation of social and emotional learning (SEL) integrated with career and workforce development efforts in Delaware, Kansas, and Wisconsin.

Wisconsin’s journey is an exemplar for other states looking to do this work. While every state has its own context, Wisconsin’s emphasis on developing inter-agency and cross-sector collaboration, leveraging strong foundations of existing career and workforce development efforts, and supporting practical implementation at the district level are key elements of systemic integration of SEL.

  1. Wisconsin’s success was built on the willingness of other agency teams to integrate systems to accomplish the shared goal of serving the whole child.

  2. A second key to Wisconsin’s success was their attention to supporting implementation.

For more on SEL and Career and Workforce Development, check out our five-part webisode series for state and district leaders.

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State Case Studies: SEL with Career and Workforce Development

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