More than a decade ago, a landmark 2011 meta-analysis established a strong evidence base, finding that classroom instruction that integrated social and emotional learning alongside academic learning not only supported student behavior and well-being; it also translated, on average, into an 11 percentile point gain in academic achievement. Since that time, hundreds of rigorous studies from researchers around the world have documented the benefits of instructional programs that integrate social and emotional learning, teaching students how to recognize and manage their feelings, care for and collaborate with others, and make responsible decisions.

Join us to discuss significant advancements in the evidence base regarding social and emotional learning and what this means for research, practice, and policy. In this webinar co-hosted with the Learning Policy Institute, Dr. Mark Greenberg will overview findings from a newly-released report commissioned by the Learning Policy Institute that reviews 12 separate meta-analyses, covering hundreds of independent studies. He’ll join Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond and Dr. Aaliyah Samuel in a conversation moderated by Dr. Timothy Shriver on how these findings connect to other recent research, the implications, and future directions for the field.

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Conference 2024 SEL Exchange
November 12 — 14, 2024
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