Practices of Promise

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The Practices of Promise series provides snapshots of districts across the country bringing social and emotional learning (SEL) to life in their communities. Each of these real stories offers a glimpse into how one district is navigating a few of the opportunities and challenges that arise as part of their broader efforts to systemically implement SEL.

Publications in Series

Articles & Briefs Practices of Promise: Evidence-Based Programs
El Paso Independent School District (Texas)
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How do you engage staff, families, and communities in selecting evidence-based SEL programs that integrate with existing practices and meet the needs of your school communities?

Articles & Briefs Practices of Promise: Youth Voice and Engagement
Washoe County School District (Nevada)
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How do you maintain a focus on student voice during distance learning?

Articles & Briefs Practices of Promise: Creating a Caring Culture Through SEL
Atlanta Public Schools (Georgia)
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How can districts weave social and emotional learning throughout their work to foster a systemwide culture of connection and trust?

Articles & Briefs Practices of Promise: Exploring Ways to Share the Power Toward Equitable Decision-Making
Portland Public Schools (Oregon)
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For the SEL team in Portland Public Schools (PPS), the process for selecting SEL programs raised some compelling questions: How could they ensure that the programs selected aligned with the district's needs and priorities—particularly its commitment to equity and social justice? How could the process itself demonstrate and deepen that commitment? What could the district learn by taking their time with the process, experimenting with shared decision-making, and deepening the interconnection between SEL and equity?

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