News & Publications

Learn more about social and emotional learning (SEL) by exploring news coverage on the topic and publications from CASEL and partners in the field.

SEL Publications

By Choice Not By Chance: Engaging Social and Emotional Learning to Create a Supportive Climate and Discipline Strategies
Reports & Guidance By Choice Not By Chance: Engaging Social and Emotional Learning to Create a Supportive Climate and Discipline Strategies CASEL
February 21, 2025

The SEL Innovations series aims to help the field imagine new, more expansive and equitable approaches to SEL and wellness to ensure that all children, adolescents, and adults feel safe, supported, and seen so that they can thrive. The purpose of this third report is to highlight how supportive climate and discipline strategies work together to build schools where all students thrive.

Books & Chapters Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning, Second Edition Joseph A. Durlak, Celene E. Domitrovich, and Joseph L. Mahoney
December 11, 2024
Reports & Guidance Social and Emotional Learning in U.S. Schools CASEL, RAND
September 17, 2024
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