Join our Leading Schoolwide SEL: Preparing for the Journey Ahead workshop series on social and emotional learning to help you plan, sustain, and continuously improve systemic SEL implementation throughout your school community.

Is this course right for you?

✔ You are leading SEL implementation in a PreK-12 school setting. Roles may include: school principal, assistant principal, school administrator, school SEL team member.

✔ You are leading SEL in a district setting. Roles may include: specialist, coach, or coordinator who supports school leaders and teams with implementation. Download our group facilitation recommendations if you are supporting school leaders with SEL.

✔ You are interested in leading schoolwide SEL implementation.

✔ You are using the CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL and seeking additional support.

Register for the live virtual series or on-demand option:

We recommend attending live if you appreciate live interaction and a set, weekly pace when engaging in professional learning. The next live virtual four-part workshop series will be offered in Summer 2023: August 1, August 15, August 29, and September 12. All four sessions will be facilitated live via Zoom webinar from 3:00-5:00 p.m. EST. Register for the live virtual series this summer. Registration closes on July 18, 2023.

You can begin the on-demand course at the time of year that works for you, and stop and start sessions at any time. We recommend the on-demand option if you need more flexibility in your schedule to complete the course. Take the course at your own pace and easily revisit course content at any time. Register for the on-demand course.

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