If it wasn't already the case, the pandemic has cemented the role of media and technology in young peoples' lives as they learned to navigate Zoom classes, maintained connections with friends and family, and navigated a sea of fast-changing information about the world. The digital context in which young people are interacting within is core to their life experiences, emotions, relationships, and identity development. And while media and technology can introduce a unique set of challenges, there is incredible upside when it's used in positive, responsible, and meaningful ways.
Join CASEL for a conversation with Common Sense Education as we explore the connections between digital citizenship and social and emotional learning. Common Sense will share findings from their recent research report on how young people are using digital media to manage their mental health and discuss how to promote both digital citizenship and social and emotional learning in schools. Recommended for K-12 educators, administrators, and family engagement leads.
The Building Connections webinar series explores how social and emotional learning (SEL) connects to topics that are top of mind for our community so we can strengthen the many systems that support our young people.