
SEL assessment can support effective teaching and learning by serving two broad goals: to guide instruction (formative assessment); and measure the results of instruction (summative assessment).

As the field of SEL is working to integrate evidence-based SEL programming more systematically into teaching and learning, progress in SEL assessment is accelerating to support these efforts. This report shows SEL assessment has advanced in multiple ways:

  • Several SEL assessment initiatives are underway.
  • There are a growing number of technically sound assessments.
  • There is increasing consensus on what constitutes high-quality assessment and data use.
  • There are opportunities to better integrate SEL assessment into the policy and practice context so that it supports teaching and learning.

The field also has room to grow by creating assessments to match the varied needs of PreK-12
students, continuing to focus on ways to support equitable and positive academic and behavioral outcomes for diverse learners, and better coordinating policy, assessment, programs, and professional learning.

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