SEL Publications
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This study, conducted by CASEL and RAND, updates estimates of SEL implementation across K-12 public schools nationwide for the 2023-2024 school year, and finds a steady increase in implementation since 2017-2018. For the first time, these data also include components of implementation that go beyond formal SEL programming. We further investigate whether states’ SEL policies are associated with the implementation of SEL by K–12 schools, and whether SEL implementation is correlated with teachers’ reports of supportive climate and student interest in learning. The combination of our findings and prior research establishing the positive effects of SEL points policymakers at the state and local levels toward encouraging SEL implementation through strategic plans, adoption of standards, dedicated funding, and school climate efforts.
- Topics:
- School Districts
Currently viewing 5 results of 5 Clear Filters
Reports & Guidance How Has the Pandemic Affected Students’ Social Emotional Well-Being? The Center on Reinventing Public EducationAugust 12, 2021
Reports & Guidance From Response to Reopening: State Efforts to Elevate Social and Emotional Learning During the PandemicJune 1, 2020
- Topics:
- COVID-19 and Remote Learning
Reports & Guidance Reopening Guidance EL EducationJanuary 1, 2020
- Topics:
- COVID-19 and Remote Learning