Press Release

First Independent Journal on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Launches To Meet Growing Demand, Build Connections

Peer-reviewed Journal will be Primary Destination for Research, Practice, and Policy in the International Field of SEL

July 11, 2022

Today, CASEL announces the launch of an independent, peer-reviewed journal, “Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy.” The new, open-access journal responds to increased demand for social and emotional learning (SEL) and is aimed at sparking innovation across disciplines. As such, the journal will serve academics as well as practitioners and policymakers, in service of a more connected SEL field. The SEL journal is sponsored by CASEL, editorially independent and governed by an external Editorial Board, and published quarterly by Elsevier.

Demand for SEL has never been greater. As more communities choose to implement SEL, it is critical that educators stay true to the science and focus on evidence-based solutions. The SEL Journal will publish the highest quality articles in order to enhance research, improve practice, and inform policy. It will help readers access the latest SEL research, address gaps in the field, increase visibility of SEL, and spark productive dialogue. 

“This is truly an exciting moment to launch the first journal focused solely on advancing the science, practice, and policy for the field of SEL,” said Editor-in-Chief Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl, Professor and NoVo Foundation Endowed Chair in Social and Emotional Learning, University of Illinois at Chicago. “This journal is unique in that it is deliberately designed to facilitate the understanding and use of evidence to improve practice, enhance policy, and promote field building in SEL. It is through collaboration in the field of SEL that we can truly make a positive difference in the lives of children, youth, and adults.”

Articles in the SEL journal will be focused on early childhood to post-secondary education, as well as adult SEL, spanning multiple settings such as school, home, community, out of school time, workplace, and higher education. The journal will feature articles in four categories: 

  • Original SEL Research: Empirical articles that have direct application to SEL practice and policy
  • SEL Perspectives: Reviews of research and articles that use multiple viewpoints or advance new SEL insights 
  • SEL in Practice: Articles that advance practice through the voices of practitioners and others working to advance SEL
  • SEL in Policy: Articles that seek to translate policy implications of SEL research, explore how policies influence practice, and elevate examples of successful policy

The SEL Journal is open for submissions on Elsevier’s website – now and through the fall 2022. CASEL will be releasing more information for those interested in submitting.

Thank you to Pure Edge, Inc. for providing seed funding.

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