
State of the Field 2024: Accelerating the 30-Year Movement for Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning

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In the three decades since CASEL established the field of social and emotional learning (SEL), research has flourished, implementation has accelerated, and demand has hit all-time highs. But in 2024, we face new urgency and new challenges surrounding young people’s learning and well-being. In the decades to come, SEL will also play an increasingly important role in preparing all children for their futures. These demands will call on our field to bolster the evidence, strengthen implementation quality, and align policy conditions to support the social, emotional, and academic growth of every young person.

Watch the recording of Dr. Timothy Shriver and Dr. Aaliyah A. Samuel as they reflect on how three decades of the SEL movement has shaped the current educational landscape — and set the vision for the coming years.

Recommended for: education organization leaders, community partners, policy influencers, and district and school leaders.


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