
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) 101

Special Edition Building Connections Webinar

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What does “social and emotional learning” really mean? Whether you are new to SEL or want to learn how to explain SEL clearly to others, join us for our SEL 101.

Globally, there’s growing appreciation of the importance of SEL. But ask a few people to define it, and you’re likely to hear different responses. A clear understanding of SEL helps align schools, families, and communities to promote students’ learning and development.

CASEL first introduced the term “social and emotional learning” 26 years ago. Since then, our collective understanding of the why, what, and how of SEL continues to grow.

Participants will learn from CASEL’s Vice President of Practice and Programs, Melissa Schlinger, who will present our SEL framework (known as the “wheel”), including the core competencies and key settings of SEL. We’ll also discuss how SEL can support other priorities, and hold a live Q&A to address your most pressing questions.

While this discussion won’t dive into the implementation process, it will provide a foundation for school and district leaders, parents and caregivers, and community partners who are looking to champion SEL in their contexts. In addition, we’ll be sharing quality resources to support SEL implementation.

The Building Connections webinar series explores how social and emotional learning (SEL) connects to topics that are top of mind for our community so we can strengthen the many systems that support our young people.

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