
Social and Emotional Learning and Service Learning

Featuring Civic, NASBE, and a student speaker

As communities across the country prepare for the upcoming school year, a question arising is: what kinds of learning are most needed to address this moment and support young people long term? Many are pointing to an education that prioritizes social and emotional development and prepares students to make a positive difference in their communities. In a recent report, both parents and teachers overwhelmingly demand a holistic view of education that prepares students for life, via both social and emotional learning (SEL) and service-learning (SL). Access the report.

The Building Connections webinar series explores how social and emotional learning (SEL) connects to topics that are top of mind for our community so we can strengthen the many systems that support our young people.



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Integrating SEL With Academic Instruction
Professional Learning Integrating SEL With Academic Instruction
March 11, 2025 at 12:00 pm — 2:00 pm CDT Virtual
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