CASEL Water Cooler

Happy 2nd Anniversary to the CASEL Blog! Here Are our Top 10 Blogs So Far

May 16, 2024
Happy 2nd Anniversary to the CASEL Blog! Here Are our Top 10 Blogs So Far

Key Points

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  • The blog is 2 years old, so celebrate by checking out the top 10 posts.
  • Learn how YOU can join these voices by writing for our blog.

It’s time to put on the party hats and toss some confetti! This month, Constellations, the CASEL blog, turns 2 years old! It’s been 24 months of sharing the stories of SEL champions from all around the world. Students, teachers, researchers, parents—they’ve all contributed to this ever-growing collection of expert voices and real-life SEL practitioners. That’s why we named it Constellations—we envisioned a pattern connected by many bright spots. Check out our 10 most popular blog posts so far, and find out how you can add your voice! 

1. 5 Meaningful, Standards-Based SEL Activities for the Classroom

Check out this collection of take-and-use activities that can be incorporated into a systemic, schoolwide approach to SEL, offered by Jacqueline Pelliccio of Sustainable Education.

2. Creating the Villages We Need

Dr. Dena Simmons of LiberatED contemplates the importance of generating positive and supportive work environments so that we can support the children and youth we serve.

3. Even if it Seems Like SEL “Isn’t Working,” Keep At It. Here’s Why.

Dr. Amanda Moreno of Erikson Institute illuminates how SEL is a long game, and one worth playing.

4. How Trauma-Informed Strategies Transformed My Classroom

Teacher Melanie Barbas describes the role that SEL can play in supporting students who have experienced trauma.

5. Three Important Shifts in our Guidance on Adult Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

What role could adult SEL play in helping create workplaces where teachers thrive and learning environments where students are supported? CASEL’s Heather Schwartz and Claire Schu explain.

6. AI + SEL & The Mental Health Crisis: How Can We Leverage New Tech to Meet the Moment? (and What Are the Risks?)

How will AI impact education? SEL program developer Margot Toppen offers a “SWOT” (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to suggest areas for exploration.

7. From Feedback to Action: Using Student Experience Data to Transform Learning Environments 

How can educators use data to provide a better learning experience for students? CASEL’s Ednah Nwafor provides an overview of findings released in a brief produced with partner organizations.

8. How Does Creativity Connect to Social and Emotional Skills for Greater Well-Being in School?

Emotions and mindset play an important role in supporting creativity. Dr. Ross C. Anderson describes how SEL can support creativity in students.

9. Not Only Do Students Need Strong Teacher-Student Relationships … Teachers Need Them, Too!

Dr. Pilar Alamos shares her insights about how to support strong relationships with students and offers three take-and-use practices.

10. “We teach who we are, not just what we know.” What Top Researchers Had to Say About Adult SEL

During the 2023 SEL Exchange, leading researchers Dr. Rebecca Collie, Dr. Robert Roeser, and Dr. Jason Okonofua offered their insights during the plenary The Science of Adult Transformation to Create Caring Schools. (Registration for the 2024 SEL Exchange is open through October 29!)

The views in these blogs are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of CASEL.

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