SEL Publications
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This study, conducted by CASEL and RAND, updates estimates of SEL implementation across K-12 public schools nationwide for the 2023-2024 school year, and finds a steady increase in implementation since 2017-2018. For the first time, these data also include components of implementation that go beyond formal SEL programming. We further investigate whether states’ SEL policies are associated with the implementation of SEL by K–12 schools, and whether SEL implementation is correlated with teachers’ reports of supportive climate and student interest in learning. The combination of our findings and prior research establishing the positive effects of SEL points policymakers at the state and local levels toward encouraging SEL implementation through strategic plans, adoption of standards, dedicated funding, and school climate efforts.
- Topics:
- School Districts
Currently viewing 20 results of 20 Clear Filters
Articles & Briefs Supporting Parent and Family Engagement to Enhance Students' Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning CASELOctober 24, 2023
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers,
- Federal Policy
BELE Learning Series - Collaborating With Communities and Caregivers CASEL, National Equity ProjectJuly 20, 2023
Reports & Guidance Social and Emotional Learning Toolkit for Parent Champions Leading With SELMarch 7, 2023
Reports & Guidance Building Authentic School-Family Partnerships Through the Lens of Social and Emotional Learning CASELJanuary 12, 2023
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers
Reports & Guidance Parent Mindsets Related to COVID-19, the Return to School, and Mental Health: Findings from a Tracking Survey of Public School Parents of K-12 Students National PTAJune 17, 2022
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers
Reports & Guidance How to Sell SEL: Parents and the Politics of Social-Emotional Learning The Thomas B. Fordham InstituteAugust 22, 2021
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers,
- Schools
Books & Chapters Confident Parents, Confident Kids: Raising Emotional Intelligence in Ourselves and Our Kids – From Toddlers to Teenagers Jennifer MillerNovember 5, 2019
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers
Books & Chapters Social-Emotional Learning in the Home: A Practical Guide for Integrating the Development of Social-Emotional Skills into Your Parenting William B. Ribas, Deborah Brady, Jane M. Hardin, Elayne GumlawJanuary 1, 2018
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers
Reports & Guidance SEL Discussion Series for Parents and Caregivers (Spanish) CASELNovember 1, 2017
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers
Reports & Guidance SEL Discussion Series for Parents and Caregivers CASELOctober 21, 2017
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers
Reports & Guidance Parent Engagement Practices Improve Outcomes for Preschool Children Robert Wood Johnson FoundationJanuary 1, 2017
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers
Reports & Guidance School-Family Partnership Strategies to Enhance Children’s Social, Emotional, and Academic Growth CASELJanuary 1, 2011
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers
Books & Chapters The Handbook of School-Family Partnerships for Promoting Social Competence Sandra L. Christenson, Amy L. ReschlyOctober 15, 2009
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers
Reports & Guidance Schools, Families, and Social and Emotional Learning: Ideas and Tools for Working with Parents and Families CASELJanuary 1, 2005
- Topics:
- Families & Caregivers